Office of Institutional Assessment

Academic Program Review

All undergraduate and graduate academic programs at Framingham State University participate in a staggered five-year cycle of program reviews. This review process involves an extensive departmental self-study followed by an evaluation by an outside evaluator. In addition, each academic department has identified learning outcomes that it expects its students to achieve and regularly collects data to evaluate its program's effectiveness in helping students meet these outcomes. Departments use this assessment data as the basis for making improvements to their academic programs.

Framingham State University has developed the following process and guidelines for Academic Program Reviews for those academic programs that are not accredited by professional associations or government organizations.

The External Reviewer should include the following sections in their report:

Part I: Evaluation of the Six Core Criteria
Commentary on each of the six core criteria and the extent to which the department has provided evidence of success in each (please refer to sections B-H of self-study)

Part II: Strengths and Weaknesses
A constructive assessment of strengths and weaknesses for use by the department and Framingham State University leadership to assist in reflection and future planning.

Part III: Recommendations
Concrete steps recommended for the department, where possible, triaged by degree of urgency/importance, including expected outcomes of recommendations.

Note: The stipend of $1000 for serving as reviewer will be paid only on receipt of a report in this format received by FSU, latest, a month after the date the reviewer has visited campus.